Mrs. Leah as decided to hold off on all her moves until this month!! Rolling over, sitting up, pulling up on furniture, crawling...she is all over the place! Time to Leah-proof the house! She now has four teeth and is trying to chomp on everything!
This week, Leah, Jake and I have been fighting some sort of cold...we are very congested! Hopefully it will be over soon and the girls won't get it, we are a mess!!
We hope everyone is doing well and ready for Halloween!!! Enjoy the pictures!

Renee at her Regional track meet! Renee is in the burgandy and black, second in from the right! She ran the 800 and came in 2nd place. She ran it in 2.52 min...beating her personal best by 4 seconds. We are waiting to hear, but we think she may have broke the school record.


Jake won the Chili Cookoff at work!!!
He entered against 10 other contestants. He won a $100.00 Visa gift card.
It was a good time! Best picture ever!!!

Jeanine and Renee's pumpkin....Hey, they look alike???
For some reason when I loaded all of these pictures of the Pumkin Carving Party, I did them backwards? So you will the end product first ;)

Jake, Gina and the boys getting started

The Mess Begins...

Leah showing off in the living room while everyone is carving pumpkins

Leah attempting to carve her first pumpkin

More Carving

More Mess

Finished Product!
They did a great job!

Its official...Renee is taller then Grandma!!!

Grandma and Leah

Mom, Aunt Neaner and Leah

Crazy people at the pumpkin patch in the rain!

Has anyone seen Renee????

Me and the girls - FREEZING!!!

Jasmine and her pumpkin

Jeanine and I in our cool shirts our mom got us!
(I think she is trying to tell me I am a witch???)

Jasmine playing in Virginia Beach (she is #14)

Renee playing in Virginia Beach (she is #6)

Leah - tired of watching soccer so she decided to leave ;)

Doing pull ups in between the games...
while she was at it, she went for a slide!

Leah and Jake getting ready for another day of Soccer.

Leah and I

"all they do is drag me around to these soccer games"

"Crazy Sisters!!!"

Here is the wonderful view from our hotel...

to bad we NEVER got to walk out to the water! 6 soccer games in 1 1/2 days!

Leah and Xavier playing while their parents play football! They are so cute to watch!

The princess!

Jake's Birthday

Jake and the Girls
Video of Leah attempting to crawl
Video of Leah being "Leah"...shes so cute!