Here she is! 37 weeks and growing! We went to the Doctors yesterday and he really didn't have much to say...she isn't showing any sign of wanting to come out ;) I did have to get a wrist brace for my hand - I have a bad case of carpal tunnel brought on by pregnancy...I have tried to deal with it for the last couple of weeks, but I finally broke down last night and bought one! The pain at night was just unbearable!
Mama and her lazy dog...someone is gonna be jealous of the baby when she comes!
We all survived Renee's "Rockstar" Slumber Party for her 13th Birthday. There was a total of 6 girls, they all decorated t-shirts with puffy paint, made sundaes, Jeanine painted stars on their faces (just like KISS) and they stayed up until 6 in the morning talking!!!!! I think they all had fun!! She officially turns 13 on Friday (can you believe it??)
We had our 35 week check up last Tuesday and everything is looking good. Our due date is still February 17th. We will be going to the doctors weekly...we are getting close...