Summer is over...and so is my leave :( It flew by! It was so nice to be home with all the children...we were able to do lots of fun things! I went back to work on Sept. 13th and getting back into a ruitine. I miss the kids during the day but I enjoy the interaction with adults :) Not quite sure I would be "stay at home mom" material ;) Leah and Matthew are doing well together, she kisses him, she pats his head, she cleans his pacifier for him, she shakes his bottles...shes a little mommy....most of the time!! Matthew is now two months, at his last check up he was 12.5 pounds and 24 1/2 inches long. About two week ago, he really started smiling and interacting...hes so cute!!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Happy Birthday John "Grandpa" Finch
Happy Birthday to Jake tomorrow!!
Elliott Family - you guys are in our prayers...we love you!

Jeanine and I at Kings Dominion

Kayla (my adopted daughter), Renee and Jasmine at Kings Dominion Amusement Park...this was our last summer trip, the Friday before school started...farewell summer!!!

Congrats Jazzy!! Her team won the "Toys for Tots" soccer tournament over Labor Day weekend.

Team Picture

Time for school! Yes, they hate me, we have been doing this since preschool - check out the fingers...Jasmine is in 8th, Renee is in 9th!



Matthew hangin out with Jaz

Matthew trying out his Bumbo...I think hes still a little small

Jake, Leah and Matthew playing on the floor (this picture probably should be turned?)

Matthew (lots of random Matthew pictures :)

This is my Leah!!! She is such a character! She has the fridge open, eating a chunk of bread. She has on her sisters necklace AND flip flops with her tutu! She is a piece of work..I love her! (she is also the reason I have a case of beer in the fridge!!)

Jake and I ran in the 9-11 Memorial 5-k right next to the Pentagon. This was my first 5k since I had Leah and Matthew! I thought for sure I would not do any better then 40, I could not even think about running the whole thing!! Jake pushed Leah in the stroller beside me and encouraged me the whole race. I ran the majority of the time and finished in 35ish minutes!!!! I was proud :)


I think my face was red for most of the day!

Only Jake could get both of our children to sleep at the same time! We were visiting Jeanine at her new house, we ran out to pick up some stuff for lunch...we come back, they are ALL sleeping! I was so jealous!!


Leah HATED this swing when she was little, NOW, I cant get her out of I put Matthew on top of her! ...poor Matthew!

Cutest PJ's ...My mom bought her these! They glow in the dark!! She loves them!

Leah trying to NICELY give Matthew the bear.

See...hes still happy!

Hes getting used to it!

Matthews two months pictures

Jasmine's first Job - Referreeing!

She survived her first day without any parents attacking her! YAY!

Jasmine also made the volleyball team at her school! Good Job Jaz! (this blog is all about Jaz this month!!!) She is #5!

....waiting for the ball

I surprised Jake with a party at Bobby McKey's, a piano bar in Maryland, It was a great time!!

Jake takes the stage! He sat on the piano and the guys sung/played him happy birthday and another embarrassing little! These guys were great!!

Jeanine and I with the birthday boy!

The stage!

My hubby! HAPPY 27TH!