My girls at Chick-fil-A! I know, random picture...but they looked so cute all stuffed in one side off a four top table :) Our family has officially outgrown a small table!

Stephanie and I after we officially completed the Cherry Blossom 10 MILE Run!! Best feeling in the world!! Im officially ready for my Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon in June!!

Jake and I

Matthew and Jake after Jasmine's last game. When I got to the fields in the morning, they were COVERED in snow....I guess thats why its called the Icebreaker Tournament! Poor Matthew (and the rest of us) frooze our buns off!! (Note the little guy has no gloves on..its hard to keep gloves on someone who sucks his thumb!!!)

Red Cheeks!

This was so cute - Leah went and sat with Jasmine's team as they received their medals! Her team took second place in the tournament. Renee's team lost in the semi-finals!