OH how I love the month of May!! My birthday, Mother's Day, warm weather and LOTS OF SOCCER!!!
We had a busy, yet fun Memorial Day weekend! Between Renee and Jasmine, we had 9 soccer games, 4 Saturday, 4 Sunday and Jasmine's Championship game on Monday! Sunday evening we were able to spend time with Brian, Mary Jane and their wonderful children...thank you so much for having us, we had a great time!! On Monday afternoon, we spent some much needed time with my great friends Jamie and Michelle...and of course, her wonderful family...thanks for dinner (John, you did a great job on the grill)!! Cant wait until next time!!
Here are our highlights from the month! Hope everyone had a great Holiday!!

This is Jasmine's third game of the tournament...she was on fire!! Where ever the ball was, Jasmine was!! Here is a shot of the goalie thinking she was going to save the ball....

little did she know that Jasmine was slightly quicker then she was...Good game Jasmine!! She also had the only goal of this game...for the win 1-0!

Her team went on to the Championship game and lost 3-2...it was a hard fought game in 90 degree weather! Renee's team, took 3rd place in her tournament...they also played very well!

This Jasmine's last Middle School game!! She also had the only goal in this game...score was 1 -0...great way to end the season!! Next year, Renee and Jasmine will be on the same high school team...Im looking forward to it!

Congratulations Bret!! You will make a great father!! Jake and Bret's tradition on welcoming one another to fatherhood!

Thank you Sarah for letting us use your stroller...I really really want one...I think they do too ;)

Oh Matthew!! Didn't I tell your sister not to leave her cup with milk in it on the window sill??

Our Balfour Beatty Annual Company Picnic! Leah and I with our matching Tattoos!!

Playing Games

Happy Birthday to Me!!!! What more could anyone want??

...a yummy cake! Thank you Jeanine!!

...and Thank you to all of my family and friends for such wonderful gifts!!! You guys are the best!!

BATH TIME!!! This duck is going down!!

Why would you lick the washcloth???

I love you 2001 Honda Civic!!! You have been the best car I have ever owned! Cheers to many more years together (until the teenagers get a hold of you!)

How to entertain a 10 month old at Pot Belly's....put sandwich bags on his arms!

Memere and Pepere came to visit for the weekend....Easter all over again :) Thank you Memere, Pepere, Andrew and Alycia for all the gifts!!! They love them!!

Alycia and Chris...I will remember this when you have kids!!! Singing Duck...he loves it...over and over and over again!!

Mother's Day Breakfast!! Jake coordinated to have my parents and Jeanine come over early for breakfast and Jake's parents were already at the house. What a wonderful way to start the day!! We were all able to celebrate together.

The Hostess!!

My Parents

Leah patiently waiting, somehow she ended up with an "adult" plate...Im pretty sure she ate most of it??

Memere and Pepere

Finishing the Champagne after breakfast was a team effort....Mom....


and LEAH!!!! just kidding...

Best Moms in the world :)

Jake and Matthew at Renee's last game for High School soccer!

Potomac Panther's in a huddle before the game starts!

Renee and I after the game - this was on my birthday! Renee called me before the game to tell me something and I said "Its my birthday, you have to score a goal for me tonight." I hung up the phone and said "actually, I will take anyone scoring a goal" (they have not had the best season!) ...so Renee's position is left back and she rarely is in a position to score! Towards the end of the 1st half of the game, Potomac had a corner kick and Renee ended up putting it in the net...GOAL...just for me of course :) BEST GIFT!!! and, at half time, Renee gave me this....

T-shirt...thats what the kids and Jake call me...with Renee's soccer number! I love it!! So proud!!

Date Night!! Tom, Jake, myself, Sam, Mike and Heather took an evening away from the children and went to a Murder Mystery Dinner! As soon as we sit down, one of the staff came over and asked Jake if he would mind being in the show...of course, the place had no idea what they were in for!! Jake played the part of "Rosco" who ended up being the murderer! It was fun!!

This picture is a little blurry, but it is us with the actors/actresses!