Happy New Year!! Welcome 2012!! We had a wonderful December...along with wonderful weather! January is here and it is finally turning into winter. Not a big fan of the cold, but since it held off until January, I will take it :) Hope everyone had a great holiday season and we wish you the best for 2012!!
Leah's first time on Santas lap...she did really well - All she wanted was Dora toys and had no problem telling him that!
Leah's first time on Santas lap...she did really well - All she wanted was Dora toys and had no problem telling him that!

I love family games on Christmas Eve - Xbox with Kinect! Let the games begin!!
**Side Note - I just want to say thank you to Jeanine for documenting our Christmas activities - she is not in ONE picture!!! Im so bummed :( ...but she did a wonderful job! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!**

Last year we started the tradition of baking Christmas cookies...this year we went overboard! Thank goodness those bowls were empty!

As you all may know, having a fully decorated tree with a one year old in the house is waiting for disaster! All of our ornaments ended up on the top part on the tree so there were nothing but lights for Matthew to destroy. He managed to find the first light on the first strand and remove it over and over again...and when the bulb was out, THE WHOLE TREE WAS OUT! So, on Christmas Eve, the bulb went missing and was no where to be found...until Grandpa was almost finished with his Diet Coke and almost swallowed it!!
Writing Letters to Santa
Grandpa reads a bed time story...The Night Before Christmas
Christmas Morning
Love this!
Christmas morning tradition - wake up, brush your teeth....
do your exercises....
or in Matthew's case...lay on the floor and watch....
Jump on mom because she wont let you go downstairs and all you want to do is open presents...
Take the annual picture at the top of the stairs....
YAY...present time!!! FINALLY!!
Matthew's First Matchbox Car
Again, my wonderful husband printed out Our Blog
I made Jake a shadow box with his Marine Corp Marathon memorabilia
Leah with her new hat and gloves from Grandma and Grandpa
When Renee and Jasmine came back from their dads on Christmas Day, we took off for MA! On the 26th, we celebrated Christmas again :) Love these shower caps that the girls got from Memere!! They are the best!! Renee's is a pig and Jasmine's is a frog!
Alycia and Chris opening their present from us - Bruins Tickets!!
Jake took Leah out to buy gifts for Adrianna - she picked out everything and wrapped it herself. Here she is helping her with the bubbles! Leah was so proud!
Christmas Dinner - Chef Pepere made another excellent dinner!
Your Amazing, yes, we know ;)
While we were visiting, I took some family pictures...thanks Jeanine for the tips!! They came out very nice!!
Andrew and AdriannaThe boys and their babies!
Sorry guys, this one came out a little dark :(
Best Christmas gift - Alycia and Chris gave Jake and I an ornament telling us we are going to be Godparents!
We took a trip to Edaville Railroad - this was so much fun...even the rain couldnt hold us back :) The children really enjoyed it. Everything was lit up!! Leah with her tickets...
Sign from across the pond
Adrianna and I
Quick family picture - it just started raining!
Auntie and I - all bundled up!
Renee and Jasmine - warming up on the train.
Smile Everyone - Jake took this from outside the train...I think we got everyone but Auntie!
Kennedy and Leah
Matthew loved watching this train...over and over and over again.
....then we found the ballpit!
Carson, Adrianna and Matthew...one day I will get a good picture of the three of them!
Matthew and Carson
Laser Tag - The big kids had their day out - I think Dillon took first place every time!
At Aunties
This would be Saint Matt - singing "The 12 Days of Christmas" with Kennedy and Matthew as they pound on the piano!
Maggie and Leah
Owen and Matthew
Morgann and Owen (so cute)
Alycia and I
Kerri and Ethan
After we returned from MA - we had dinner and presents with the Alves! Always a great time!
Brian got a DS Game!
Lucky's Gift Card - Everyone loves Lucky's!!
Matthew's first Capitals Jersey! So Cute, they were matching!
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