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November 2013

The tradition continues...over to the Alve's we go...
Jake had this grand idea of us playing flag football before dinner - we had a great time...even busted out the eye black!  My freezing little man!

Leah all ready to go for about three minutes before she ran back in the house with the ladies!

Thank goodness Jasmine has all that hair...because she definitely didn't have a jacket!  She was a trooper, she played the entire game and had some mud stains to prove it!  Renee didn't even come out of the house!!

Brian - team captain...ready to take on the family!

Coley - team captain - determined to win!!!

Group Picture - before we tore up the lawn and got all muddy!!  Who would have thought Maddie would have been the leading scorer and MVP of the day!!  She rocks, those dance moves come in handy playing football ;)
Brian and MJ - getting the bird ready - all 22 lbs!!

Brian fighting the turkey!
Matthew loves Brian!!!  LOVES HIM!!!  He said to me  the next day " I love Brian, I call him "dude"!!!
Mama and her princesses
Family Selfie?

The youngest taking on the oldest in air hockey

The boys sword fighting

Dinner!!!  Yum!!!

Everyone at the table - so thankful for our family, we are so blessed!
Jasmine's Veggie Turkey!  (I don't know where she gets her ideas from ;)

Mom and Dad

Relaxing after dinner

Adam and Maggie - so glad we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with them - Its so nice to have them so close...we are taking full advantage of it before they leave us in May!!
MJ and Brian (notice MJ is first ;) - Thank you again for having us over for a wonderful meal - I can not tell you how much we enjoy spending time with the family and celebrating with you!! Love you guys!!

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