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Not Today!

We are finally home from a crazy day! We went to the doctors this morning for one last check to see if she was head down...GOOD NEWS...she was!!! So, this created more options, other then a c-section. We decided to go with inducing labor. I went in this afternoon for them to try and "soften" my cervix, we were there for 4 hours. We left the hospital around 5pm and I have already started with mild contractions. Soooo, now we wait to see how stubborn our little girl is going to be;) Worst case, we are on the schedule to have her on Wednesday. Hopefully, things will progress a little quicker and we may get to meet her tomorrow! Thank you all for your wonderful emails, we really appreciate it :) Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. I am soo excited for you Jen!! I can't wait to hold that little bundle of joy!! Maybe Aiden and Leah will be boyfriend and girlfriend!!! haha! GOOD LUCK!!
