WOW!!! Its so hard to believe that our little princess is two years old!! She is such a blessing!! She has an awesome personality and is not afraid to press you to your limit ;) (You can tell who runs our house!!) Although you can hardly understand anything she says, she is already potty trained and ready to take on the world! We celebrated at the house the weekend before her birthday. On her birthday, we were actually in MA to celebrate her birthday and Alycia's!

Here come the cupcake's

This was the best face!! It was so genuine!! She was so surprised that we were singing to her!!

She needed a little help to blow out the candles

Moms quick cupcakes!

Finger-lickin good!!!

Apparently the cupcakes were taking to long to get to Matthew!

This was our attempt to take a picture of the family....only one problem - Phil decides to show Leah how to play Angry Birds right before this...guess who wants to play on Phil's phone and not take a family picture????

Guess who got their way???

Jasmine will always find a way to entertain Leah!

During our trip to MA - we were able to make one of Dillion's basketball games

Both of these went in!!

Jake's Dad is a basketball coach for the St. Francis girls team. We were able to watch one of his games too! This was my first time seeing him coach!

Memere and here babies

I made Matthew and Leah shirts for Pepere's game

Happy Birthday Alycia!!

Leah helps Alycia with her candles

The cousins are out like a light!! They were so cute sucking their thumbs!

Trouble x 5!

Leah looks at Adrianna and sees that she has her tongue sticking she feels like she needs to stick her tongue out too...makes sense?

So cute!

The Birthday Girl!!
Alycia bought her this rain it! She would not take it off!!

It finally came off after daddy stuck her arm in the creepy Elmo looks like a face with a beard - next time I will know better then to listen to the baker and buy something sight unseen! It worked out, just a little odd looking!!

She didnt care about the cake anyway..she was more interested in the cupcakes!! Thank you Auntie for your help!!

Leah and Kennedy

So this is the picture all the pregos took at Alycia's wedding in May 2010....

This is the end result!! We did a good job huh???

Pepere is still baking his baby...huh...that baby has been baking for a while????

Play time - so nice to see all the babies!! They are growing so fast!!

Babies love to be tickled!

Leah in her Dora gear!

The princess Adrianna

Owen LOVED this balloon, I think it entertained him all night!!

The boys watching the dunk contest!


The babies are all out!! Good Night little ones!! (Well, Carson was out for a little bit ;)

Breakfast with the family before we headed back to Virginia!
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