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April 2014

Opening Day at Camden Yards - Orioles vs Red Sox
 Ryan and Lynne

 Me and My Love

 Every time I have been to Camden Yards for a Red Sox game, this place is covered with Red Sox fans...not this was a sea of orange!!


Virginia Tech  - 3.2 for 32
 Jake and I ran this 5k with some coworkers in honor of the 32 victims of the VA Tech Shootings.  It was in DC at Haines Point.  


 Leah and Matthew coloring Easter eggs...this process is getting so much easier and less messier...thank goodness!!!  Nothing was stained :)

 Easter Morning!  The kids come down to find what the Easter Bunny left....

 He sure did make a mess...he left all this fur behind...right out the back door!
 After they cleaned up and got dressed...
 It was time to find all the goodies the Easter Bunny left outside...
 They are getting good at finding eggs took them probably five minutes to find about 100 eggs!

 Renee and Jasmine came home after the Easter egg hunt...but there were four eggs on the couch waiting for them...each containing CASH!  ....I heard no complaints

 Easter Pic!
 Early afternoon, we headed to The Alve's for Easter Brunch!

 Our wonderful family at the table...We missed Jeanine, she had to work :(

Ocean City Half Marathon - April 26, 2014 
 For our last long run before the half, we ran by the water down at Leesylvania Park...I was so happy to know that only ONE MORE TIME I would have to run over 10 miles...I am hanging up my long distance running shoes..HAHA!

 We left on Friday, April 25 to head to Ocean City MD to stay at Melanie's parents beach house.  It was our anniversary!  Melanie was so kind to watch the babies while Jake and I went out to eat lunch.  Leah was not feeling every well, so I didnt want to go far.  Jake and I settled at this romantic mexican joint for a very high class meal for $25.00!  ;)

 So bummed, Jake and Rick think I am crazy...the lake that is near Melanie's parents has tons of turtles in it.  I was so excited to take the kids and show them the turtles, I bought some bread, we headed over there and there was not a turtle to be seen :(  I don't know if it was to early in the season or what, but we didn't get to see ONE TURTLE!!!

 On the beach....

 Leah and Matthew wanted to go to the beach soooo bad, we told them a thousand times it was to cold...they were not trying to hear we took them....Matthew got his feet wet....

 Leah got her feet wet....

 Then they didn't move fast enough, got drenched when a wave came in and cried...and cried...and cried!!!  Something tells me they wont be asking again....
(Leah and Matthew - 0 / Mommy and Daddy - 1)

 Crack of dawn in the morning...our half marathon group waiting for the shuttle

Once we got to the start line, we were FREEZING!  Jake and I trying to hide from the wind behind this trailer

 Mission Completed!! Went out with a bang, got my fastest time ever! ...and of course, Jake didn't even train and smoked me by 20 minutes...UGH!

...They get the medals and all they did was watch TV!  Thank you Brian for babysitting!

Balfour Beatty Coed Soccer
 Jake, Renee and Jasmine played Soccer on our work team...for Adults?  They had a really good season, only losing two games.  The girls had a great time...

Team Picture after their first win - Good Job BBC!! 

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